The lines are open

Out of the blue today I had a call from Putney library asking me if I still wanted to do my photo exhibition. To be honest, I’d completely forgotten about it – it was so long ago that I put my name down on the waiting list. Anyway, it turns out that Feb 2015 is when it’s going to happen so I need to get organised. First step is to decide which photos to display. It’s going to be an exhibition of my gig photos so that narrows it down a bit but there are still quite a few to choose from. So that’s where you come in – I would like you to cast your votes for your favourites in a participatory manner.

So let’s start with my “music portfolio” on flickr. Have a look at the photos there and choose your favourites. You can choose up to 3 and you’ve got 6 stars to spread out among the 3 photos. So you can award 3 stars for your favourite, 2 for your 2nd fave and 1 for your 3rd, or 2 stars each, or whatever you fancy really. I’ll leave it to you to decide your own criteria – content, technical skills, atmosphere, composition, etc.

Once you’ve decided your winners, post the results as comments on this blog (not on flickr) and I’ll tot up the scores.